Hanna International является компанией Южная Корея, находится Jangyu. Более подробно, как показано ниже. Информация о компании Название компании: Hanna InternationalГород / провинция : GimhaeСтрана: South KoreaАдрес: JangyuМеждународный телефонный код: 82телефон: 82-11-715-9562Факс: 82-55-333.4198Мобильный: 82-11-715-9562Контакт: Mr. MK YooО нас: We are now in difficult environment to get succeed as internet information spreads widely and quickly regardless of our intention We do, however, not discredit totally existing business philosophiesand believe there is someone who can share with our goodwill Since established in 1993 with our sincerity and honesty, we honor our customers and win-win is not in concept but reality, we believe We deal rebco, blco, d2, jp54, lpg and m100 with reputable seller or buyer and believe we will be prosperous with our overseas associates slowly but certainly. Pls contact with myself if you are interested in our co-business proposal No-welcome of working with trade-chain Hanna internatiional for petro and agriculture products As of buyer's authorized mandate Число сотрудников : 5 - 10 PeopleТип: Trading CompanyГод создания : 1993Торговый оборот: US$1 Million - US$2.5 MillionОсновные рынки: North America; South America; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; Eastern Asia; Southeast Asia; Mid East; Africa; Oceania; Больше ссылков CombusTech Ltd Mte Co.,ltd. Hanna International Korea Trans Co., Ltd. Kim's Trading Company ‹ предыдущая | следующая › Войдите, чтобы оставлять комментарии