DAEGU TAKJU is a South Korea company, located in 30-1, Bullo-dong, Dong-gu, DAEGU. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: DAEGU TAKJUCountry: South KoreaAddress: 30-1, Bullo-dong, Dong-gu, DAEGUInternational Area Code: 82Phone: 82-53-983-6600Fax: 82-53-983-6600Website: www.daegutakju.co.krType: ExportYear of Establish: 1970.05.17Area: Daegu More Links DAEGU SEWING THREAD MACHINERY CO. DAEGU SPECIAL METAL CO. DAEGU TAKJU DAEGU TEXTILE MACHINERY DAEGU TRADING ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments