SHALOM INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD. is a South Korea company, located in #85-25 Wolchun-ri, Wangkok-myon, Naju-Si, Cheonnam, Korea, SOUTH KOREA, zipcode: 520-882. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : SHALOM INDUSTRIES CO.,LTD. Country : South Korea Address : #85-25 Wolchun-ri, Wangkok-myon, Naju-Si, Cheonnam, Korea, SOUTH KOREA, zipcode: 520-882 International Area Code : 82Phone : 82-61-335-6906 Fax : 82-61-335-8384 Contact : contact admin Product List : health, ashitaba, shalom, shalom industries co., ltd., health food,ashitaba leaf powder, ashitaba root powder, ashitaba enzyme,ashitaba enzymeQ,ashitaba tea, ashitaba candy, greensaengsig, charmwon, jammaesin,ashitaba soap, shalomi cosmetic, green tea, Type : Manufacture, Importer, ExporterProfile : According to weighted stress phenomena of moderns followde the complexityof modern society and high-industrialization, every diseases of adultand diseases attack by the indirect cause such as immunity deficiency, indifference of health control, uneasiness, nervous breakdown, medicinalpoisoning and alcoholic poisoning, etc and in the trend of increasing.General free-sap is insufficient to busy moderns because it has incnvenience to drink after grinding in green-sapping machine every day, But you can add water and drink immediately because the products of Shalom IndustriesCo., Ltd. consist of a powder, also it is portable and you can bring much.So we can recommend with confidence that it is most proper to modernsalso general green-sap destructs the nutriment such as fibroid material,flovonoid and chiropody,etc. shich is the modern diseasesof adult.(Publication the clinical cases)Ashitaba includes much organic germanium which is called 'Oxygen eatable' and highlighted as a cure for canver(Televising in NHK of Japan)Also it is called a multiple nutrient because it includes thirteen kinds of mineral and more than eleven kinds of vitanmin.The whole products of our Shalom Industries Co. use the Ashitaba of cheju-dogrowth that its content and color is superior as one hundred percent of raw materials.We are direclty supplied only Ashitaba cultivated on the road as a nutural organic agricultrual techniques an the field farm of Cheju-doand we produce relivable products as perfect machinery which excels GMP facilities and work process sanitary and comfortable.Now, it is designated as special products business party of Naju city,Cheon-nam.
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