SAMU MEDIAN CO., LTD. is a South Korea company, located in 254-15, Dugok-ri, Sinam-myeon, Yesan-gun, CHUNGCHEONGNAM-DO. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: SAMU MEDIAN CO., LTD.Country: South KoreaAddress: 254-15, Dugok-ri, Sinam-myeon, Yesan-gun, CHUNGCHEONGNAM-DOInternational Area Code: 82Phone: 82-41-331-3511~3Fax: 82-41-331-3514Contact: Lee Wan SangWebsite: List: Injectable Solutions,Soluble Powders,Oral liquids,Tablets,Feed AdditivesCategory Activities: Injectable Solutions,Soluble Powders,Oral liquids,Tablets,Feed AdditivesType: Export/ImportYear of Establish: 1971.03.17Area: Chungcheongnam-Do More Links SAMU DIES CORPORATION SAMU MEDIAN CO., LTD. SAMU MEDIAN CO., LTD. SAMU PLANT CO., LTD. SAMUDIES CORP. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments