SAMMYUNG MACHINERY CO., LTD. is a South Korea company, located in 45-3, Ungnam-dong, Chang-won-si, GYEONGSANGNAM-DO. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: SAMMYUNG MACHINERY CO., LTD.Country: South KoreaAddress: 45-3, Ungnam-dong, Chang-won-si, GYEONGSANGNAM-DOInternational Area Code: 82Phone: 82-55-287-0111~2Fax: 82-55-287-0121Contact: Ko Yong GonWebsite: www.isammyung.comProduct List: Radiator,Oil Cooler,Inter Cooler,Heater Core,CondenserCategory Activities: Radiator,Oil Cooler,Inter Cooler,Heater Core,CondenserType: ExportYear of Establish: 1979.01.04Area: Gyeongsangnam-Do More Links SAMMYUNG ENGINEERING CO., LTD. SAMMYUNG INC. SAMMYUNG MACHINERY CO., LTD. SAMMYUNG TECH CO., LTD. SAMMYUNGSA CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments