ORIENTALSEEDS CO,.LTD is a South Korea company, located in 2F, 540-8,Sungnae 2 -Dong,Gangdong-Gu,Seoul. Gangdong-Ggu,Seoul Seoul 134-843. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : ORIENTALSEEDS CO,.LTD Country : South Korea Address : 2F, 540-8,Sungnae 2 -Dong,Gangdong-Gu,Seoul. Gangdong-Ggu,Seoul Seoul 134-843 International Area Code : 82Phone : 82-2-4783141 Fax : 82-2-4783140 Contact : Mr.LEE MUN HEE President Product List : Home and Office Security and Safety Employees : 6 - 10 Type : OthersYear of Establish : 2005 Profile : Homepage : http:// www.osos.co.kr Dear sirs, Greetings : We, as one of the leading manufacturer & supplier/exporter in the fields, are pleased to offering you the products under mentioned, with competitive prices and conditions, SECURITY TECHNQUES CCTV Cameras for Industrial, Wireless TX/RX + Mini Camera Infra-Red Night Vision Cameras IR Day & Night Camera Digital Video Recording system (PC type and Stand-alone) Observation/Quad Monitor system Cybereye-Image Car Rear View Camera + Mirror Monitoring system Digital Door Lock Home Alarm System High Speed Dome Camera Now, if you may be still interested in or furthers in question to our products, please do not hesitate to contact us soon, and we are offering you with a reasonable prices for the items required and better conditions for future business relations each other. For your full products information, please kindly visit to our web site www.osos.co.kr If possible, in case you may have any inquiries to our products, you are kindly required to let us know about required products with specs and expected quantity-wise as well. Thanking you in advance for your kind attention to aboves, and looking forward to hearing from you soon, we remain. With best regards, Orientalseeds Co., Ltd M.H.Lee PresidentArea : Seoul
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