NIPPON FRESNEL CO.,LTD. is a South Korea company, located in 363, NAKANO,YOSHIKAWA-SHI, SAITAMA, 342-0042 JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: NIPPON FRESNEL CO.,LTD.Country: South KoreaAddress: 363, NAKANO,YOSHIKAWA-SHI, SAITAMA, 342-0042 JAPAN, SOUTH KOREAWebsite: Manufacture, Exporter, ImporterProfile: Nippon Fresnel Co.,Ltd. specializes in manufacturing high quality precision fresnel lenses made of acryl plastic materials and custom-made precision metallic inserts for injection and compression moulding process. More Links NIPPI KOREA NIPPON ELECTRIC GLASS KOREA CO., LTD. NIPPON FRESNEL CO.,LTD. NIPPON KASEN CO.,LTD. NIPPON KYNOL INC. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments