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BMMKOREA is a South Korea company, located in 20-10 Yongdu 1 Dongdongdaemun-Kuseoul 130-071. more detail is as below.

Company Information

  • Company Name: BMMKOREA
  • Country: South Korea
  • Address: 20-10 Yongdu 1 Dongdongdaemun-Kuseoul 130-071
  • International Area Code: 82
  • Phone: 82-2-9667542
  • Fax: 82-2-9620285
  • Contact: Jongseo Um
  • Website:
  • Product List: Clothing, Textiles, and Accessories Clothing and Apparel
  • Type: null
  • Profile: BUMMA MILITARY MANUFACTURER INC, LTD. Welcome to the most unique manufacturer web site of military surplus and quality outdoor products. Since establishment by Baechul Um, Chairman of Board in 1975, BMM has been getting a good reputation in international market of military surplus and outdoor products. Through its experience, BMM have an opportunity to present our capability in supplying high quality products including body armor. BMM is now able to offer the workable price with excellent quality what you need through well organized system and connecting line. We have several hundreds of different items in our full line and are adding new items to our online catalog on a regular basis, so if you can't find what you are looking for or have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for your interest in our company and we are looking forward to working together for mutual benefit
  • Area: Seoul
More Links

  • BMT CO., LTD.
  • BMT CO., LTD.

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