KMCI CORPORATION is a South Korea company, located in #212, Hanshin Bldg., 136-1, Mapo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-736 Korea. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: KMCI CORPORATIONCountry: South KoreaAddress: #212, Hanshin Bldg., 136-1, Mapo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-736 KoreaInternational Area Code: 82Phone: 82 - 2 - 7198714Fax: 82 - 2 - 7183197Contact: Junghyun Lee PresidentWebsite: www.koreammci.comProduct List: Thank you very much for your visiting KMCI's homepage. KMCI is the company which export aluminum wheel for car manufacture in Japan most much in the Korea. KMCI stands for Korea MMC International. MMC International was established through 100% full investment by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation(MMC) in 1st Apr. 1976 and KMCI is a subsidiary company of MMCI as a regional office in korea. KMCI's role is to purchase and supply auto parts necessary for car manufacturing of domestic and foreign of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) KMCI is purchasing parts and relative products under self-development continuously. Specially, KMCI is contributing expanding Korean export and development of Korean economy upon opportunity of supplying aluminum wheel to Mitsubishi Motors Corporation as meaning penetrating worldwide market. By this, KMCI won Government Commendation. We, KMCI, promise to do efforts to develop Korean industry continuously and will contribute only Korean automotive industry.Category Activities: Arts, Crafts, and Gifts GiftsEmployees: 1 - 5Type: Arts, Crafts, and Gifts GiftsYear of Establish: 1992Area: Seoul More Links KMC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. KMC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. KMCI CORPORATION K-MEDICAL BRIGHT SERVICE CO., LTD. K-MET CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments