JEWELRY SL CO., LTD. is a South Korea company, located in 3rd Fl., 2-8, Hwajeon-dong, Jung-gu, DAEGU. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: JEWELRY SL CO., LTD.Country: South KoreaAddress: 3rd Fl., 2-8, Hwajeon-dong, Jung-gu, DAEGUInternational Area Code: 82Phone: 82-53-421-9051~2Fax: 82-53-421-9053Contact: Baek Seung LyeolProduct List: Rings,Pendants,Earrings,Bracelets,NecklacesClassification: Wholesale of Watches and JewelleryCategory Activities: Rings,Pendants,Earrings,Bracelets,NecklacesType: Export/ImportYear of Establish: 2003.01.01Area: Daegu More Links JEWELRIA CO., LTD. JEWELRY BANK INC. JEWELRY SL CO., LTD. JEWERING CO., LTD. JEWLIA INC. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments