IL SUNG MACHINERY CO., LTD. is a South Korea company, located in 194, Gongdan 2-dong, Gumi-si, GYEONGSANGBUK-DO. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: IL SUNG MACHINERY CO., LTD.Country: South KoreaAddress: 194, Gongdan 2-dong, Gumi-si, GYEONGSANGBUK-DOInternational Area Code: 82Phone: 82-54-461-6600~5Fax: 82-54-461-8636Contact: Kim Won MukProduct List: Warping Sizer Machine,Tenter,Shrink Dryer,Dry-Process Coating Machine,Rotary Washer,Gravure Printing Machine,LaminatorCategory Activities: Warping Sizer Machine,Tenter,Shrink Dryer,Dry-Process Coating Machine,Rotary Washer,Gravure Printing Machine,LaminatorType: Export/ImportYear of Establish: 1987.10.15Area: Gyeongsangbuk-Do More Links IL SUNG M.E.M CO., LTD. IL SUNG MACHINERY CO. IL SUNG MACHINERY CO., LTD. IL SUNG MEM CO., LTD. IL SUNG SA ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments