Dongsan Gundrill Co. Ltd. 은 대한민국 회사로, 2ba-302, Shihwa Industrial Complex, 2090-2, Jeongwang-dong 에 위치해 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음과 같다. 기업 정보 회사 명: Dongsan Gundrill Co. Ltd.나라: South Korea주소: 2ba-302, Shihwa Industrial Complex, 2090-2, Jeongwang-dong국제 코드: 82전화: 82-31-431-6430팩스: 82-31-431-6435연락처: Um, Tae-in위치: Ceo웹 사이트:제품 목록: Gundrill Repair, Rest Bush, Bta Drill Tube, Reamer종류: Manufacturers프로필: Dongsan Is A Reliable Company That Specializes In Gundrill Manufacturing And Deep Hole Drilling. Since The Company Was Founded In 1987, Dongsan Has Been Concentrating To Develop Gundrills. In 1990, We First Started To Produce Gundrills For Deep Hole Drilling In Korea. With About 20 Years Experience In This Specialized Field, Dongsan Becomes A Leading Company Manufacturing Single Flute Gundrills In Diameter From 2mm To ~ 50mm, Two Flute Gundrills, Stepped Gundrills, Reamers, Bta Drill Tubes And ... 더 많은 링크 Dongsan Co. Ltd. Dongsan Fat & Oil Ind. Co. Ltd. Dongsan Gundrill Co. Ltd. Dongsan Industrial Co. Ltd. Dongsan Industriesco,ltd. ‹ 이전 | 다음 › 로그인한 후에 댓글을 작성하세요