MANHO ROPE MFG. CO., LTD. 은 대한민국 회사로, Dongho Bldg, 85-2, 4Street Joongang-Dong Joong-Gu Busan 618-270 에 위치해 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음과 같다. 기업 정보 회사 명: MANHO ROPE MFG. CO., LTD.나라: South Korea주소: Dongho Bldg, 85-2, 4Street Joongang-Dong Joong-Gu Busan 618-270국제 코드: 82전화: 82-2-34527121팩스: 82-51-34527128연락처: Young-Kwon Bae Assistant Manager웹 사이트: www.manhorope.com제품 목록: Metals and Minerals Iron and Steel직원 수: 101 - 500종류: Manufacturer설립 연도: 1953프로필: Welcome to the homepage of Manho Rope & Wire Ltd. Since established on 1953, through the tireless technology innovations and research and development for more than 40 years, Manho Rope & Wire ltd. has grown up as the manufacturer of the best-quality products of fiber rope, wire rope, elevator rope, hard drawn steel wires, piano wire, galvanized steel wire strand & steel wire for ACSR, PC steel wire and strand (HIBON), and stainless steel wire and cables. Based on the technology and experiences accumulated so far, we are now exporting our products to more than 80 countries worldwide. All products supplied by Manho are produced through the strict quality management system compliant with ISO9002 and JIS. Manho Wire & Rope, Ltd. considers satisfying our customers and gaining their trust by manufacturing the highest quality products as the very soul of our company. With our specific needs for our customers in mind, Manho puts forth our best efforts through research and development to make contribution to the industry and produce the world-best products in our endeavor to become the leader in the industry. Manho Wire & Rope, Ltd. has continued to grow since its establishment earning a superior reputation domestically and internationally as the forerunner in the industry of fiber wire, special wire, and wire rope. Through continuous technological improvement and management innovation, and by providing the "best quality product" at the "reasonable price" with "prompt delivery," we at Manho do our best to serve you as our customers. We would like to extend our gratitude to those who keep watching us with special interest and affection as Mahno Wire & Rope, Ltd. grows to become the industry leader. We promise to continue to put our best efforts to fulfill our responsibilities as one of the world's premiere companies in the 21st Century. Thank you very much.지역: Busan 더 많은 링크 MANHEE CORPORATION MANHO ROPE & WIRE CO., LTD. MANHO ROPE MFG. CO., LTD. MANHO TRADING CO., LTD. MANI CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CO., LTD. ‹ 이전 | 다음 › 로그인한 후에 댓글을 작성하세요