OPTRON-TEC. INC.は大韓民国の会社で、63-9 Paryong-Dong, Changwon-Si, Gyeongsangnam-Do 641-847に位置する。 もっと詳しくは以下のとおりである。 会社情報 会社名: OPTRON-TEC. INC.国: South Koreaアドレス: 63-9 Paryong-Dong, Changwon-Si, Gyeongsangnam-Do 641-847国際エリアコード: 82電話: 82-55-2502714ファックス: 82-55-2502736コンタクト: Myungsup Lim Presidentウェブサイト: www.optrontec.co.kr商品リスト: Clothing, Textiles, and Accessories Eyeglasses and Optical従業員数: 101 - 500タイプ: Manufacturer設立年: 1989プロフィール: Welcome to OPTRON-TEC. and we hope you to enjoy with our site. Since its establishment in1989, OPTRON-TEC has been grown into one of the leading optics manufacturers in the world. Optical lenses, filters, windows, IMT-2000 & ITO glass are our major products. We are supplying the parts to major electronic companies over the world. We have exported $28 million in $40 million turnover in 2001. Taking full advantage of the $3 million investment in production environment, we produce quality products that comply with the customer?s requirements. We also are continuously investing on new equipments and technology to up-grade the engineering level and to develop new products. Our management system is qualified with ISO 9002 and 14001 certificates. All of our quality records are kept for 5 years for tractability. The 21st century has been called ?The century of potencies?. We would like to contribute to Hi-Tech for mankinds by develop high quality optical parts. We wish that our home page would provide you with valuable information that you are looking for.エリア: Gyeongsangnam-Do その他のリンク OPTOWELL CO., LTD. OPTRON-TEC CO., LTD. OPTRON-TEC. INC. OPTRON-TEC. INC. OQUEEN CO., LTD. ‹ 前 | 次 › コメントを投稿するにはログインしてください