Greennest Co. Ltd. è un Korea del Sud azienda, si trova in #730 Chonam-rikwanyang-eup. più dettagli come il seguente Informazioni sulla società Nome dell'Azienda: Greennest Co. Ltd.Paese: South KoreaIndirizzo: #730 Chonam-rikwanyang-eupCodice di Aree internazionali: 82Telefono: 82-61-763-8780Fax: 82-61-763-8784Contatto: Wi, Mu-jooPosizione: CeoSito: dei prodotti: Gn Heating System, Wide Barn (duck), Barn (cow), Environment Friendly Barn (chicken)Tipo: ManufacturersProfilo: We Have Produced And Supplied High Quality Products By Figuring Out Some Latent Problems With Data And Know-how Which Were Accumulated By Actual Gardening In Our Experimental Greenhouse Located Near The Factory, Thinking That It's Hard To Make High Quality Products With Mechanical Function And Theory Only, And Without Considering The Gardening Environment Itself. This Made It Possible To Produce 'korean Style No-pillar Greenhouses' And 'code & Codeless Material Staten' That Can Make Automatic Tr...Area: Gyeonggi-Do Altri Link Greenhouse Construction Industry Co. Ltd. Greenmate Corp. Greennest Co. Ltd. Greennet Ind Co. Greenpia Tech. Co. Ltd. ‹ precedente | seguente › Accedi per lasciare commenti