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Superlock Company,Limited.

Superlock Company,Limited. è un Korea del Sud azienda, si trova in Yan/F Yangjae-Dong107-17 Yangjaecheon-Ro, Seocho-Gu. più dettagli come il seguente

Informazioni sulla società

  • Nome dell'Azienda: Superlock Company,Limited.
  • Città / Provincia: Seoul,Seoul,06748Republicofkorea
  • Paese: Korea (South)
  • Indirizzo: Yan/F Yangjae-Dong107-17 Yangjaecheon-Ro, Seocho-Gu
  • Codice di Aree internazionali: 82
  • Telefono: +82-8225776246
  • Contatto: Chung Jang
  • Categoria delle Attività: Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry
  • Dipendenti: 14
  • Vendite annuali totali: $5.99M
  • Profilo: Superlock Company,Limited. is located in Seoul, Seoul, Republic Of Korea and is part of the Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Superlock Company,Limited. has 14 employees at this location and generates 5.99 million in sales (USD).
Altri Link

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  • Sungho Electronics Corp.
  • Superlock Company,Limited.
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