Korea Institute Of Economy Policy è un Korea del Sud azienda, si trova in 5/F Dukyu Bldg., Daechi-Dong342 Yeongdong-Daero, Gangnam-Gu. più dettagli come il seguente
Informazioni sulla società
Nome dell'Azienda : Korea Institute Of Economy Policy Città / Provincia : Seoul,Seoul,06177Republicofkorea Paese : Korea (South) Indirizzo : 5/F Dukyu Bldg., Daechi-Dong342 Yeongdong-Daero, Gangnam-Gu Codice di Aree internazionali : 82Telefono : +82-8225085561 Contatto : Jik Su Lee Categoria delle Attività : Shipbuilding & Repairing IndustryDipendenti : 12 Vendite annuali totali : $1.24MProfilo : Korea Institute of Economy Policy is located in Seoul, Seoul, Republic Of Korea and is part of the Shipbuilding & Repairing Industry. Korea Institute of Economy Policy has 12 employees at this location.
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Haeyang Engineering
Hanil Plantec Company, Limited.
Korea Institute Of Economy Policy
Hyundai Electric
Hanchang Precision Company
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