S.I.E.T.CO è un Korea del Sud azienda, si trova in 616-6,Yuksam-Dong Kangnam-Gu Seoul 135-080 Korea. più dettagli come il seguente Informazioni sulla società Nome dell'Azienda: S.I.E.T.COPaese: South KoreaIndirizzo: 616-6,Yuksam-Dong Kangnam-Gu Seoul 135-080 KoreaCodice di Aree internazionali: 82Telefono: 82 - 2 - 5642076Fax: 82 - 2 - 5642079Contatto: H.W.Choi DirectorSito: www.siet.co.krLista dei prodotti: S.I.E.T.Co.has developed for your endless encouragement and supported since the company was founded. Efficient management of information is our business goal. With the motto'dream and challenge',we are trying to be the competitive company in the world,studying and developing constantly.Developing new products and offering services to our customers are the first management policy. To be the leader of the knowledge industry,we do our best for the beautiful and hopeful future in the challenging young company culture based on the management for which can offer equitable opportunity to the people by the development of more comfortable and inexpensive products.Categoria delle Attività: Computer and Electronics ComputersTipo: Computer and Electronics ComputersArea: Seoul Altri Link S.I.E CO., LTD. S.I.E TRADING CO., LTD. S.I.E.T.CO S.I.ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. S.I.M.CO.,LTD ‹ precedente | seguente › Accedi per lasciare commenti