DUKHEUNG ENGINEERING è un Korea del Sud azienda, si trova in 474-4 Dangjeong-Dong Gunpo-Si Gyeonggi-Do 315-113. più dettagli come il seguente Informazioni sulla società Nome dell'Azienda: DUKHEUNG ENGINEERINGPaese: South KoreaIndirizzo: 474-4 Dangjeong-Dong Gunpo-Si Gyeonggi-Do 315-113Codice di Aree internazionali: 82Telefono: 82-31-4190082Fax: 82-31-4192770Contatto: Adam Limanski DirectorSito: www.dukheung.co.krLista dei prodotti: Chemicals, Plastics, and Raw Materials Rubber and PlasticsDipendenti: 11 - 50Tipo: ManufacturerAnno di fondazione: 1994Profilo: Established in 1994, Dukheung Engineering is a privately held manufacturer and exporter of customized plastic injection moulds and die casting dies. Dukheung Engineering manufactures medium and large size tooling for automotive parts (90% of total turnover), electronics and other industry sectors. Advanced technical know-how, high quality and on-time delivery are the values on which earned Dukheung a reputation as a reliable supplier among Korean car makers as well as among foreign companies such as Schefenacker, Kuroda and NTK. Our main export markets are concentrated on Australia, Japan, North America and Europe. Dukheung employs more than twenty employees, the majority of whom have at least 10 years of experience in their fields. Total projected turnover for 2003 is about USD2.7 million, of which more than a half will come from exports.Area: Gyeonggi-Do Altri Link DUKEUN METAL CO., LTD. DUKEUN UNIPAL CO., LTD. DUKHEUNG ENGINEERING DUKHUNG CO., LTD. DUKI PLUS CO., LTD. ‹ precedente | seguente › Accedi per lasciare commenti