Radiiontech Co. Ltd. est une entreprise Corée du Sud, localisée à 347-52, Banwol-ri, Taean-eup. plus détaillée est comme ci-dessous. Informations d'entreprise Nom de l'entreprise: Radiiontech Co. Ltd.Pays: South KoreaAdresse: 347-52, Banwol-ri, Taean-eupIndicatif international: 82Téléphone: 82-11-9077-1790Fax: 82-32-232-0910Contact: Kang Tae MyungPosition: CeoSite: www.radiiontech.comListe des produits: Apis-dtm, M7400 Rie Etcher, Apis-ftm, Apis-ttmType: ManufacturersProfil: Established In 1998, Cho Eun Information System Specializes In Manufacturing Hands-free Kits For Use With Mobile Phones. We First Developed Wireless Hands-free Kits In Korea And Named It M-free. We Have Devoted Our Efforts In R&d To Improving Our Products. As A Result, We Developed Mirrorphone, Which Can Be Used For Hands-free Operation As Well As A Rearview Mirror. We Followed The Original Mirrorphone, Which Gained Great Popularity, With Mirrorphone Ii, Iii And Neo Mirrophone. Mirrorphone Iii And Neo Mirrophone Are Universal Type Hands-free Kits That Can Be Used With Both Gsm And Cdma Equipment. Plus de Liens Radiant Inc. Radieq Co. Ltd. Radiiontech Co. Ltd. Radiogears Inc. Radiopulse.inc ‹ précédent | suivant › Identifiez-vous pour poster des commentaires