UTAI MOLDNCAST CO. est une entreprise Corée du Sud, localisée à 60-2 Buncheon Bongdam Hwasung Kyungki. plus détaillée est comme ci-dessous. Informations d'entreprise Nom de l'entreprise: UTAI MOLDNCAST CO.Pays: South KoreaAdresse: 60-2 Buncheon Bongdam Hwasung KyungkiIndicatif international: 82Téléphone: 82-31-2274670Fax: 82-31-2274672Contact: JooYoung Lee DirectorSite: www.utai.co.krEmployés: 11 - 50Type: ManufacturerAnnée d'établissement: 1991Profil: UTAI MOLDnCAST Co. is a manufacturer and distributor of diecasting tools and casting parts,based in Korea. Currently we are supplying Diecasting tools to a number of major manufacturers of automobile and electronic products around the world,including Delphi,Valeo, Eaton,Gates & Rubber,Hitachi,LG,and so on.. In our casting section,which was built based on our advanced technology for the production of Diecasting molds,we holded two 350ton machines by Toshiba Co. first,and planning to increase their number up to six in the very near future. The material we use for casting is mainly Aluminium & Zinc.Zone: Gyeonggi-Do Plus de Liens USM CORPORATION LTD. U-SUNG FORM TECH UTAI MOLDNCAST CO. UTC UTC ‹ précédent | suivant › Identifiez-vous pour poster des commentaires