Fine Technix Company,Limited est une entreprise Corée du Sud, localisée à 38 Deokcheon-Ro, Manan-Gu. plus détaillée est comme ci-dessous. Informations d'entreprise Nom de l'entreprise: Fine Technix Company,LimitedVille / Province: Anyang,Gyeonggi,14088RepublicofkoreaPays: Korea (South)Adresse: 38 Deokcheon-Ro, Manan-GuIndicatif international: 82Téléphone: +82-82314638832Contact: Jung Hyuk ChoiActivités de Catégorie: Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing IndustryEmployés: 287Ventes Totale Annuelles: $96.38MProfil: Fine Technix Company,Limited is located in Anyang, Gyeonggi, Republic Of Korea and is part of the Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Fine Technix Company,Limited has 287 employees at this location and generates 96.25 million in sales (USD). There are 4 companies in the Fine Technix Company,Limited corporate family. Plus de Liens Idis Company, Limited. Texon Company, Limited. Fine Technix Company,Limited Winner Com Company, Limited. E Investment&Development Company,Limited ‹ précédent | suivant › Identifiez-vous pour poster des commentaires