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Sungho Electronics Corp.

Sungho Electronics Corp. est une entreprise Corée du Sud, localisée à 205-17 Gasan Digital 1-Ro, Geumcheon-Gu. plus détaillée est comme ci-dessous.

Informations d'entreprise

  • Nom de l'entreprise: Sungho Electronics Corp.
  • Ville / Province: Seoul,Seoul,08503Republicofkorea
  • Pays: Korea (South)
  • Adresse: 205-17 Gasan Digital 1-Ro, Geumcheon-Gu
  • Indicatif international: 82
  • Téléphone: +82-82221047530
  • Contact: Hyun Nam Park
  • Activités de Catégorie: Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry
  • Employés: 113
  • Ventes Totale Annuelles: $58.12M
  • Profil: Sungho Electronics Corp. is located in Seoul, Seoul, Republic Of Korea and is part of the Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry. Sungho Electronics Corp. has 113 employees at this location and generates 58.04 million in sales (USD).
Plus de Liens

  • Optimech Company, Limited.
  • Ants Company, Limited.
  • Sungho Electronics Corp.
  • Superlock Company,Limited.
  • Avago Technologies Korea Company, Limited.

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