SAM JONG CO., LTD est une entreprise Corée du Sud, localisée à 400-56, GALSAN-DONG DALSEO-GU Taegu 704-170 Korea. plus détaillée est comme ci-dessous. Informations d'entreprise Nom de l'entreprise: SAM JONG CO., LTDPays: South KoreaAdresse: 400-56, GALSAN-DONG DALSEO-GU Taegu 704-170 KoreaIndicatif international: 82Téléphone: 82 - 53 - 5832525Fax: 82 - 53 - 5832528Contact: KU, JA-JONGSite: des produits: In the 1973, SAMJONGIND establisher for development the our Textile Industries for Neal area, and was produced the Additives for Textile at the beginning of starting Year. And the plant moved to present Factory, and operating till now in order to improving the main needs of our Corporators We, SAMJONGIND, was started Fine Chemical goods by the corporations of our Clients needs. The fine chemical Goods which absolutely necessaries in the of Basic Chemical. The SIZING Agent for WARP Yarn for Nylon filament and Polyester Finishing Yarn which made by Water-jet Loom, has got very good Evaluations at our domestic market was developed by our R & D Division for many years as SIZING Agent for HIGH-SPEED LOOM. Therefore, We could reolace this items import from abroad. And have made the additives for Paint, Ink, Plastics and UV(Ultra Violet) Agent. The quality was improving continuouslyActivités de Catégorie: Clothing, Textiles, and Accessories Clothing and ApparelType: Clothing, Textiles, and Accessories Clothing and ApparelZone: Daegu Plus de Liens SAM JIN TRANSFORMER CO., LTD. SAM JONG CHEMICAL CO., LTD. SAM JONG CO., LTD SAM JOO APPAREL CO., LTD. SAM JOO TRADING CO. ‹ précédent | suivant › Identifiez-vous pour poster des commentaires