NEODR INC. est une entreprise Corée du Sud, localisée à Medical Industry Complex Bldg., No.2, 1720-26, Taejang-dong, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do 220-962 Korea. plus détaillée est comme ci-dessous.
Informations d'entreprise
Nom de l'entreprise : NEODR INC. Pays : South Korea Adresse : Medical Industry Complex Bldg., No.2, 1720-26, Taejang-dong, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do 220-962 Korea Indicatif international : 82Téléphone : 82 - 33 - 7341862 Fax : 82 - 33 - 7341863 Contact : Yangho Song R&D Manager Site : Liste des produits : NeoDr Inc. develops and manufactures medical devices for fatness and aches. Our 'Neo Plunger' is recognized in the medical instrument industry for its creativeness. NeoDr invests 7% of sales in R&D of new technology every year. As a result, neoDr continuously developed individual and creative products. In addition, NeoDr takes very seriously social responsibility and profit sharing for healthy. NeoDr will try its best to be a company which contributes to human health, plays a role in the development of the national economy through product exports, and takes a part of our customers' life. In order to survive in this everyday changing market environment, which is highly competitive, and to grow as a world known company, we have to be awaken and be prepared with new ideas and advanced technology. NeoDr will break up the stereotyped ideas but create viable, creative, and independent new ideas through R&D in order to realize value-added products. NeoDr will try its best in order to develop the world's best products and grow as a global. Activités de Catégorie : Medicine, Health, and Environment Medical and Surgical InstrumentsEmployés : 1 - 5 Type : Medicine, Health, and Environment Medical and Surgical InstrumentsAnnée d'établissement : 2002 Zone : Gangwon-Do
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