KYOHA INC. est une entreprise Corée du Sud, localisée à 2nd fl, Namchang bldg, 748-16,Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-080 Korea. plus détaillée est comme ci-dessous.
Informations d'entreprise
Nom de l'entreprise : KYOHA INC. Pays : South Korea Adresse : 2nd fl, Namchang bldg, 748-16,Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-080 Korea Indicatif international : 82Téléphone : 82 - 2 - 5649902 Fax : 82 - 2 - 33889902 Contact : Dongsung Kim Site : Liste des produits : Welcome! Thank you for visiting Kyoha Inc. homepage. As Kyoha Inc. enjoys the 16th anniversary this year, it is our strategy to focus our business on fur apparel related field to preoccupy fur market home and abroad. Striving for the highest quality in product and aiming at perfection to stand above our competitors, we make a constant effort to differentiate our product by unique design and by using the highest quality materials since 1999. Although furs are the focus of criticism home and abroad, considering the discouraging fact that Korea, who once was the largest fur exporter in the world until the late 1980s, is losing ground in the global fur market, we ask the customers to take different view on the matter beyond the unqualified criticism, that the development of fur industry could also bear a part in domestic economy. To be the leader in the global fur market, Kyoha is committed to provide the customers home and abroad with various service delivering satisfaction. To answer the calls from the customers, we will devote ourselves to bring the customers the better quality products in a proactive manner. Thank you As Kyoha Inc. embraces the dawning of the 21st century, e are fully committed to advancing the fur industry, building on our proud 20-year contribution to the development of the fur sector. With our sweat, enthusiasm, expert technology and talented manpower combined, we at Kyoha Inc. sell high quality fur pelts and make consistent R&D efforts to our self-developed brand, DEEESS FURS and to offer quality distribution services. By enhancing the distribution sector, Kyoha Inc. also aims at providing customers with service that creates a better tomorrow and brings happiness to all. Refusing to rest on our laurels, we will make continuous endeavors to improve people's quality of life based on our global competitive edge and forward-looking corporate philosophy. In the 21st century, Turn Your Eyes to Kyoha Inc. Activités de Catégorie : Clothing, Textiles, and Accessories Clothing and ApparelEmployés : 11 - 50 Type : Clothing, Textiles, and Accessories Clothing and ApparelAnnée d'établissement : 1985 Zone : Seoul
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