SEMICON ENGINEERING CO., LTD. یک شرکت کره جنوبی، واقع در #167-1, Simi-Dong Gumi-Si Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea است. جزئیات بیشتر به شرح زیر میباشد. اطلاعات شرکت نام شرکت: SEMICON ENGINEERING CO., LTD.کشور: South Koreaنشانی: #167-1, Simi-Dong Gumi-Si Gyeongsangbuk-do Koreaکد ناحیه بینالمللی: 82تلفن: 82 - 54 - 4700500فکس: 82 - 54 - 4700555تماس: Dongchul Anسایت اینترنتی:فهرست محصول: The Production Technology Department of LG Semiconductor was separated and incorporated in 1992 under our present company name of Semocon Engineering Co., Ltd. As a company specializing in LCD, our company has a perfect Total Solution System(TTS) that enables us to design and manufacture high-quality finished products as well as various equipment necessary for the manufacturing process as a result of our investment, technical development, and know-how accumulated for the past 10 years. With our main office in Gumi City, Gyeong-buk, Korea, we have a production plant in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do under operation and 25% share(US$ 11 million) in Lanser Photoelectron Co., Ltd. (Jangchun, China) that will go into operation in the first half of 2002. By providing management and technical assistance to this company, we have secured the world-largest TN/STN-LCD production and marketing stronghold. With an outstanding increase of our sales amount lately, we were registered on the KOSDAQ market in January this year to prepare for full-scale growth. Among our total directors and employees(150 persons), the research and technical personnel amounts to 50 persons. As it were, the technical personnel covers 70 % of the total manpower except for the production personnel(80 persons), which shows that our company is technology-intensive. In particular, the sale of process-related equipment is made mainly on a turn-key basis that requires extremely high technology and knowledge. In preparation for keen competition with Japanese and Taiwanese companies, we are making much investment for further improvement of our product quality, competitive power in price, and marketing skills as well. Without being satisfied with the present results, we will make sincere efforts to accomplish our missions such as development of products for the happiness of mankind, creation of profits, and social contribution by focusing on the core field of the IT industry, TFT-LCD and STN-LCD business.فعالیتهای دسته: Computer and Electronics Parts and Componentsکارمندان: 11 - 50نوع: Computer and Electronics Parts and Componentsسال تاسیس: 1992منطقه: Gyeongsangbuk-Do لینکهای بیشتر SEMICO CO., LTD. SEMICON AUTO SYSTEM SEMICON ENGINEERING CO., LTD. SEMICON ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. SEMICON SALES INC. ‹ قبلی | بعدی › برای ارسال دیدگاه وارد شوید.