SAVE SYSTEM یک شرکت کره جنوبی، واقع در 2F, 197-15, Donggyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-819 Korea است. جزئیات بیشتر به شرح زیر میباشد. اطلاعات شرکت نام شرکت: SAVE SYSTEMکشور: South Koreaنشانی: 2F, 197-15, Donggyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-819 Koreaکد ناحیه بینالمللی: 82تلفن: 82 - 2 - 3621016فکس: 82 - 2 - 3360643تماس: JEONG MAN KIM Presidentسایت اینترنتی: www.gosavecard.comفهرست محصول: Hello and welcome you all to Save System!! Save System is a leader of the reward card industry in Korea. Since its foundation in 1997, we have continued to develop competitive solutions for our clients' profit and efficiency. We have been a supplier of the card system to government offices, hospitals, restaurants, chain stores and various companies satisfying them with enhanced services. We can guarantee that the bonus card system will certainly make your life easier, more comfortable and enjoyable. Are you seeking for something to improve your productivity? Then, contact us without hesitation. Thank you! We sincerely appreciate your visiting our website. Good luck with your business! Thank you.فعالیتهای دسته: Chemicals, Plastics, and Raw Materials Dyestuffs, Pigments, Paints, and Inksکارمندان: 11 - 50نوع: Chemicals, Plastics, and Raw Materials Dyestuffs, Pigments, Paints, and Inksسال تاسیس: 1997منطقه: Seoul لینکهای بیشتر SAVE FUSETECH INC. SAVE INC. SAVE SYSTEM SAVEINC CO.,LTD. SAVE-IT MAX INC. ‹ قبلی | بعدی › برای ارسال دیدگاه وارد شوید.