Busan University Saengsan Technology Research Institute یک شرکت کره جنوبی، واقع در Rm 502San30 Jangjeon-Dong Geumjeong-Gu است. جزئیات بیشتر به شرح زیر میباشد.
اطلاعات شرکت
نام شرکت : Busan University Saengsan Technology Research Institute شهر/ استان : Busan,Busan,46239Republicofkorea کشور : Korea (South) نشانی : Rm 502San30 Jangjeon-Dong Geumjeong-Gu تماس : In Jun Kang فعالیتهای دسته : Colleges & Universities Industryکارمندان : 18 فروش سالانه کل : $1.74Mنمایه : Busan University Saengsan Technology Research Institute is located in Busan, Busan, Republic Of Korea and is part of the Colleges & Universities Industry. Busan University Saengsan Technology Research Institute has 18 employees at this location and generates 1.84 million in sales (USD).
لینکهای بیشتر
Oseong Institute
Hankuk University Of Foreign Studies
Busan University Saengsan Technology Research Institute
Jeonjugijeon Womens University
University Of North Korean Studies
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