ISIT یک شرکت کره جنوبی، واقع در 5-307 # 129 Songhyun-Dongdong-Gu Incheon401-704 است. جزئیات بیشتر به شرح زیر میباشد. اطلاعات شرکت نام شرکت: ISITکشور: South Koreaنشانی: 5-307 # 129 Songhyun-Dongdong-Gu Incheon401-704کد ناحیه بینالمللی: 82تلفن: 82-32589-1568فکس: 82-32589-1569تماس: SC Park Managerفهرست محصول: Computer and Electronics Optics and Measuring Devicesکارمندان: 1 - 5نوع: Trading Companyسال تاسیس: 2003نمایه: ISIT is a manufacturer and trader producing mainly functional goods using fundamental device of opto-semiconductor and researching and dloping discriminated various goods. Since foundation our company have been carrying research and development with excellent expert in each field. With new concept and technology we will do our best for offering goods which is useful in life and close to customer. We will make our company which win confidence of customer and raise quality of life by superior technology and creation of new valueمنطقه: Incheon لینکهای بیشتر ISIS TECH CO., LTD. ISIS TEXTILE ISIT ISLAND CO., LTD. ISM CO., LTD. ‹ قبلی | بعدی › برای ارسال دیدگاه وارد شوید.