HYE SUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. یک شرکت کره جنوبی، واقع در #553, Shinpyung-Dong Saha-Gu Pusan 604-836 Korea است. جزئیات بیشتر به شرح زیر میباشد. اطلاعات شرکت نام شرکت: HYE SUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.کشور: South Koreaنشانی: #553, Shinpyung-Dong Saha-Gu Pusan 604-836 Koreaکد ناحیه بینالمللی: 82تلفن: 82 - 51 - 2053365فکس: 82 - 51 - 2026010تماس: Michael J. Shim General Managerسایت اینترنتی: www.hyesung.co.krفهرست محصول: <table width=570 valign=top cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr> <td align=center height=40><IMG SRC="http://www.hyesung.co.kr/image/title/title4.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Affiliated Company Profile HYE SUNG IND.(PJILS.) INC."></td></tr><tr> <td align=right valign=top> <table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 valign=top><tr> <td> <br><br><font size="-1"><img SRC="http://www.hyesung.co.kr/image/company/profile_com_img.gif" width="300" height="205" border=0 alt="" align="left"><b>Hyesung Industrial Co., Ltd. manufactures and exports sound transducers, receivers, buzzers, microphones, speakers, and motors. Our management philosophy is timely delivery and continuous quality control for customer satisfaction. Our vision is to become a premier company that provides innovative products and services to meet our customers' demands in the rapidly changing consumer-solution industries. All of our products are manufactured with high quality materials and components according to ISO 9001 quality assurance system. Moreover, each product is tested and inspected prior to delivery. We were selected as a promising Small & Medium company by the Korea Exchange Bank and also selected as a leading technology company by the Small and Medium Business Industry Certification Center. The Korea Industrial Technology Association has certified our factory and R&D center. </font> <p><font size="-1"> <b>Established in 1987, Hyesung Industrial Co., Ltd. is a privately owned company with registered capital of US$2.5 million and a further US$6.3 million invested in business operations. Some 430 workers, including 78 production engineers and 13 quality assurance staff, are employed at the company, which is located in Busan. Annual revenue is US$7.5 million, 65 percent of which is accounted for by exports to North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region.</font> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table>فعالیتهای دسته: Computer and Electronics Parts and Componentsکارمندان: 1 - 5نوع: Computer and Electronics Parts and Componentsسال تاسیس: 1987منطقه: Busan لینکهای بیشتر HYE SUNG FAN TECH CO., LTD. HYE SUNG FANTECH CO., LTD. HYE SUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. HYE SUNG INDUSTRIAL INC. HYE SUNG KIT CO. ‹ قبلی | بعدی › برای ارسال دیدگاه وارد شوید.