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KET CO. es una empresa Corea del Sur, ubicada en RM 5602, Dongil Techno Town, 202-6, Anyang 7-dong Manan-gu Gyeonggi-do Korea. más detalles se muestran abajo.

Información de Empresa

  • Nombre de Empresa: KET CO.
  • País: South Korea
  • Dirección: RM 5602, Dongil Techno Town, 202-6, Anyang 7-dong Manan-gu Gyeonggi-do Korea
  • Código de Área Internacional: 82
  • Teléfono: 82 - 31 - 4456635
  • Fax: 82 - 31 - 4456637
  • Contacto: Hyoduk Kim
  • Sitio web:
  • Lista de Productos: I send a greeting to who have been our customers. We started from DaeRim Electric and have developed with continuous efforts for 10 years to become current KET. At the present day of early 21st Century, the security of information and communication technology has highly affected company competitiveness. We are making constant effort to activate the production of electronic parts and to become forerunner of IT industry that cultures the most advanced technology. As a part of this effort, the release of TeenZON is close at hand. Also we make constant effort in patent, studying, development, man power security and joint development. KET will move forward with all our might to accomplish customer satisfaction and company vision by being the professional in each field. KET is the company that drams the better future and challenge continuously. We hope to have your full support and interest.
  • Actividades de Categoría: Computer and Electronics Parts and Components
  • Empleados: 11 - 50
  • Tipo: Computer and Electronics Parts and Components
  • Año de Establecimiento: 1997
  • Área: Gyeonggi-Do
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