S-LINE CO LTD ist ein Südkorea Unternehmen, befindet sich in 926, Character Green Ville 395-73, Shindaebang Dong,. Mehr Einzelheiten sind wie folgt: Unternehmensinformation Name des Unternehmens: S-LINE CO LTDOrt/Region: Dongjak-guLand: South KoreaAdresse: 926, Character Green Ville 395-73, Shindaebang Dong,Zip Code: 156-849Internationale Vorwahl: 82Telefonieren: 82-2-8466789Fax: 82-2-836-6788Kontakt: Ms. Jin Suk HoWebseite: s-oil.comÜber uns: "S-Line Co., LTD" was established in 1998.Our company is the official exporting agent of automobile engine oil of "SSU" and "Dragon" brands. Our products are produced by "S-Oil Corporation". "S-Oil Corporation" is the famous fully-functional oil refining company in the world, producing high quality base oil. It corresponds to the demands of API standard. We supply engine oil such as diesel, gasoline, gear, industrial oil etc.We export "SSU", "Dragon" oil in Russia, Eastern Europe and other countries.If you are interested in our oil and cooperation with us, we are waiting for your contact. And we'll offer detailed information for you.Arbeitnehmer: 5 - 10 PeopleTyp: AgentMarken: Ssu, DragonGründungsjahr: 1998Umsatz: US$5 Million - US$10 MillionHauptmärkte: Eastern Europe; Southeast Asia; Mid East; Eastern Asia; Weitere Links m-mouse KAL & C (KOREA ADVANCED LUBRICATION & CHEMICAL) S-LINE CO LTD BHOOMIPOORANI RESOURCES LLC Seo Oh Trading Inc. ‹ vorherige Seite | nächste Seite › Zum Verfassen von Kommentaren bitte Anmelden.