Yoohwa Corporation ist ein Südkorea Unternehmen, befindet sich in 603-Ho, Ilsin B / D, 668-2, Jwacheon-1dong, Dong-Gu. Mehr Einzelheiten sind wie folgt:
Name des Unternehmens : Yoohwa Corporation Ort/Region : Busan Land : South Korea Adresse : 603-Ho, Ilsin B / D, 668-2, Jwacheon-1dong, Dong-Gu Zip Code : 601-822Internationale Vorwahl : 82Telefonieren : 82-51-6375912 Fax : 82-51-6375914 Handy : 82-51-6375914 Kontakt : Mr. Su-hun Lee E-Mail : [email protected] Webseite : www.oillamp.co.kr Artikelliste : tea light candle Über uns : Yoohwa Corporation is a manufacturer and exporter dealing in liquid chafing fuel, lamp oil and oil lamps in Busan, Korea. Our products are found in hotels, restaurants, buffets, clubs, bars and so on mainly in food service industry. We export to Japan, Singapore, Australia, Cyprus, etc. We can supply customized products or promotional gifts for specific needs from you. Our liquid chafing fuel and lamp fuel are odorless, smokeless, non-hazardous, non-explosive and non-evaporative. They are safe to store and use. For further information please feel free to email to us. Arbeitnehmer : 11 - 50 People Typ : ManufacturerUmsatz : US$10 Million - US$50 MillionHauptmärkte : North America; South America; Eastern Europe; Southeast Asia; Africa; Oceania; Mid East; Eastern Asia; Western Europe;
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Bumchang Chemical Co., Ltd.
Chem Tech Co.,Ltd.
Yoohwa Corporation
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